Date:February 6, 2014 4:13 PM


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theme  (thēm)


1. A topic of discourse or discussion. See Synonyms at subject.
2. A subject of artistic representation.
3. An implicit or recurrent idea; a motif: a theme of powerlessness that runs through the diary; a party with a tropical island theme.
4. A short composition assigned to a student as a writing exercise.
5. Music The principal melodic phrase in a composition, especially a melody forming the basis of a set of variations.
6. Linguistics A stem.
7. Linguistics See topic.
tr.v. themedthem·ingthemes

Usage Problem To provide with a particular topic or motif. See Usage Note at themed.

[Middle English teme, theme, from Old French tesme, from Latin thema, from Greek; see dhē- in Indo-European roots.]

theme′less adj.
