Date:February 6, 2014 5:12 PM

GOPROMYEVENT .COM  for sale. Premium Domain.


e·vent  (ĭ-vĕnt′)



a. Something that takes place; an occurrence.
b. A significant occurrence or happening. See Synonyms at occurrence.
c. A social gathering or activity.
2. The final result; the outcome.
3. Sports A contest or an item in a sports program.
4. Physics A phenomenon or occurrence located at a single point in space-time, regarded as the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory.


at all events

In any case.
in any event

In any case.
in the event

If it should happen; in case.

[Latin ēventus, from past participle of ēvenīreto happen : ē-, ex-ex- + venīreto come; see gwā- in Indo-European roots.]

e·vent′less adj.
